Is Baldur's gate 3 Builder free to use?
Yes. We intend to deliver a free tool for everyone to use.
Create and manage your own builds.
Customize an up to level 12 character, adds notes along the levels to help you follow eveything you need, or even share it with other people
Customize a full level 12 character and adds notes along the levels to help you follow everything you need, or even share it with other people
If you need more informations about us or how the app is working
Yes. We intend to deliver a free tool for everyone to use.
First of all you need an account. You can do it by simply clicking the button in the top right using your Discord account. If you don't own one you won't be able to create builds. For security and simplicity we use Discord as a way to provide a safe way to interact with the App.
Of course, we provide an easy way to delete your build on the listing page, on the build edition page, and a handy way to delete all your account data on your account page.
We won't keep any of your personal data (email, discord nickname) once your account is deleted, but be warned that this action is irreversible, we won't be able to restore lost accounts or builds.
It depends on the demand, feedback, and how well the app performs overall.
As we're working on this app on our spare time and providing it for free we do our best to provide updates, mainly aiming for bug fixing, and optimization.
If you wish to see new features let us know on our discord (button below), or feel free to help us by donating so we can improve the quality of the tool using paid plans for the services that make this app run in the background.
Kobaru is mainly behind the whole app idea, code, services, APIs, and everything that makes it run day by day.
The whole design has been made by Biip.
You can find our other projects, social networks, and way to contact us in the footer of the app.
If you wish to know more about our work here and ourselves, join the Discord !
Our data comes mainly from two sources : and BG3 Fextralife.
We remind you that this data is based on the D20 System© owned by Wizard of the Coast and Hasbro and are not our property.